We've been collecting cemetery grave marker transcriptions, locations with “how to find directions”, histories, maps, etc. since our beginning. Transcription of grave markers from many cemeteries around the country have been published in our quarterlies or bound in book form in our library. Check us out by a visit and ask for help in locating the cemetery data. We may be able to save you a trip… for instance most every cemetery in Butler County, Alabama has been transcribed and published in our quarterlies. We have accumulated mostly Florida cemeteries, including the vast collection of books published by the Baker County Historical Society. All grave markers in non-commercial cemeteries in Duval County have been transcribed with a few exceptions where no markers can be found. We are in hopes to one day have a ready reference to the commercial cemeteries. We would welcome a donation of any cemetery that we don’t presently have (We prefer entire cemeteries, not just a family plot).
In addition to all of this, we have amassed a very large quantity of obituaries. You may just find one for your ancestor in our library. Why not check us out? Jon R. Ferguson and Michael E. Lawson have presented several programs to various groups concerning cemeteries and the importance of preserving this part of history…a major source of genealogy data.