Due to space limitations in the SGES library, we are only able to retain one copy of each genealogical reference book in our library for reference purposes. Any duplicates are available to the public for a donation to SGES.
Search the list of Available Books below by using the Ctrl+F keys, and if you find a title you'd like to own just click on the tab above SGES STORE and then on Overstocked Books to make a donation to SGES.
You can re-sort the items by pressing the up or down arrows on each heading. Don't worry, there is nothing you can do to harm these tables, as they will always revert back to their original format.
When ordering using PayPal, please insert the book title in the comments section. To do so: highlight the book title in the list and right-click on the book title and select "Copy" and then "Paste" to place the title in the comments field.